Simplify Your Laundry Routine all year long with my easy laundry routine schedule. Spend time creating memories instead of washing clothes. Keeping up with your laundry is all about knowing when routines need to be changed according to the mom season you are in.

Simplify Your Laundry Routine
One thing that I have learned since my girls were babies is the fact that routines are not something that needs to be set in stone.
Routines will change according to what is happening in the season of life you are in right now.
Especially when it comes to homemaking and your family’s schedule.
Simplifying your laundry routine is probably one of the easiest tasks that you can do at home. Plus, if you have older kids your laundry routine is even easier, but it’s up to you to make that happen.
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Laundry Routines Will Change
One thing that we need to keep in mind is that our lives as moms will change as our children get older, as our businesses grow or our jobs evolve.
This also will change according to the season of the year and the season of life you are at this moment.
This is why I believe that routines are fantastic because they are not set in stone. They are created to guide us into making our daily lives easier and less stressful.
Did you read the important part of that sentence? They are a guide. That’s it!
I mean, there is no way that a new mommy with a baby is going to have the same laundry routine as I do with two almost tweens. Plus, you don’t know the circumstances that new mom is going through. Is she cloth diapering? Does she have twins? Does she have family and friends to help? Is she a single mom?
These are things that you need to take into account when trying to create a simple laundry schedule that works for YOU and your family.

Simplify Your Laundry Routine Schedule
I truly believe that moms can keep themselves from drowning in laundry, but you have to put in the work. That means making sure that you are getting the help you need from your kids if they are old enough and your partner.
I’ve mastered my laundry routine and I can proudly say it’s one of those tasks I have a set routine that works for me.
Before I share with you two ways to simplify your laundry routine no matter what stage of motherhood you are in right now, make sure to sign up below to receive my Free Laundry Routine Schedule! Plus, a beautiful laundry symbol poster for your laundry room.

How To Simplify Your Laundry Routine Two Ways
Honestly, there is never one way of doing anything! Especially when it comes to homemaking.
It’s all about trial and error, then finally nailing down a routine that works with your schedule.
I’ve found two different ways that have helped me simplify my laundry routine throughout the years.
Since my daughters were babies and until a year ago doing laundry every single day worked great with my schedule.
This allowed me to run my business, take care of them, and keep up with the laundry piles.
Now that my girls are older I do laundry every Wednesday and only once a week. I picked a day of the week that we didn’t have a crazy dance schedule and my girls were home to help put away their laundry.
Daily Laundry Schedule
This is what my laundry schedule looked like when I did laundry every day. You can also print out this schedule by signing up below to keep in your laundry room.
Monday: Mom and Dad Clothes
Tuesday: Kid’s Clothes
Wednesday: Towels and Socks
Thursday: Sports and Delicates
Friday: Catch Up Day {when we had dogs I washed their dog beds on this day}
Saturday: Linens and Beddings
Sunday: Day Off
The most important part about this is getting on a routine by sorting, washing, drying, and putting away.
Make sure you are putting away each pile of clothes as it’s coming out of the dryer. This will keep you from falling behind and having a pile of clean clothes getting wrinkled in your laundry basket.
Once A Week Laundry Schedule
Now that my girls are older I only do laundry once a week. Crazy isn’t it? But it’s the best feeling to get it all done in just one day.
During the school year and with our dance schedule last season my laundry days were Wednesday. I knew that we didn’t have any after school activities so it made it perfect for my girls to come home and put away their laundry.
I’m not going to say that it was easy getting my daughters on board, but once they saw that it was a new chore and part of their Wednesday routine it just became a habit.
Now they know that on laundry day they will find a pile of clothes either folded on their beds if I’m not busy with work or laying nicely for them to fold and hang.
During the summer I have changed my laundry days to Mondays. It’s a great way to start my week with a pile of clean clothes and because summers are usually more relaxed it allows my girls to stay on some type of schedule. Especially since they earn electronic time by completing their Chore List.

When it comes to getting on a laundry routine depends on your schedule. Even though I’m sharing a printable that could be helpful I have also included a blank version of the printable.
This will allow you to create the laundry routine that works for you and your family.
The important part is to make sure that the routine you choose cuts down laundry time, stress, and piles of laundry in your home.
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How do you simplify your laundry routine?
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