Raising Kind Kids in a world filled with negativity and bullies should be at the top of every parent’s priority list. It’s all about leading by example.

Raising Kind Kids
We live in a society where there are more than our fair share of negative occurrences, bullying, and unkindness being done to the human race. Raising kind kids is a priority and a duty parents have more than they ever before.
Throughout every stage of our child’s life, they will come across situations in which they will have to share their kindness with the world.
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Learning how to raise kind kids is not as difficult as it may sound. While each stage of childhood and parenthood will prove to be a little more complicated than the previous stage, raising kind kids is simply a matter of remembering to be the best role model possible.
Many parents wonder how they can raise loving kids so that their children can go off into the real world with a compassionate, kind heart. The reality begins with us and in our home.
Yes, mamas! Even when you’re in those pre-teens and teen years! You can do this, and it’s up to use to show kindness to our children when they are going through situations with friends, schools, and siblings. Some seasons will be harder, while others are a piece of cake.

How Do I Raise My Child To Be Kind?
You may think that being kind is something that comes naturally to human beings or kids, but that isn’t always the case. When you raise kids in a home that fuels positivity, compassion, and open communication, you’re more apt to raise a child who will be kind.
- Be kind to your children, spouse, and others
- Set a kind environment in your home
- Have open communication with your kids
- Help others in need
- React respectfully towards negative people
- Remove digital negativity
- Stay clear of unkind people, friends, and family
- Treat others as you would like to be treated
- Apologize when you are in the wrong
Never believe that a few caring people can’t change the world. For, indeed, that’s all who ever have.
– Margaret Mead

6 Tips to Help You Raise Kind Kids
There are some extra things you can do as a means to raise your child to be helpful towards others. Following through these five tips to help you raise loving and kind kids will help you no matter what stage of parenthood you’re in right now.
Model Kindness To Them And Others
The first step to raising kind kids is to set the right example. Kids will learn first through their parents, which means you’ll need to exhibit the characteristics of a kind person throughout your day as you engage with them and others to get your day to day tasks completed.
Your kids are looking to you to learn how they should treat others and what is expected of them while engaging with society. Be the example they need to inspire their kindness.

Set the Environment
As with any other life skills, a kid will learn best in their home environment. That’s why it’s so important to have a kind home environment. Be sure to use your manners, and do kind things for others within your household.
Some days will be easier than others, just remember that our children mimic and observe everything we do.
Setting a positive environment of respect will help set the situation that your kids spend the most time in as the best example of how to treat others when they go to school and other areas in the world.
Have Open Communication
The best tip for raising kind kids is to teach them the art of effective communication. When your kids are good with communication, such as expressing their feelings and understand feelings, they’ll be more apt to be naturally kindhearted in all other areas of their life.
Now, this doesn’t mean having a screaming or yelling frenzy. Yelling is something that can happen when kids or parents are upset. It’s about us talking to them through our emotions so that they can do the same without having to raise their voices.
Communication is the key to knowing how others feel when we do something to make them happy or upset them so that we can adjust our behavior to be more kind in the future.

Volunteer as a Family
Volunteering is a fabulous way to teach kids the art of kindness. When you make volunteering a part of your family life, you’ll be doing your part for raising kind kids.
Volunteering at your local shelter or community events will get your kids out there with the public more frequently and teach them about kindness towards others as they volunteer to help people less fortunate than them.
Boy Scouts and Girl Scout groups volunteer in their local community. If you’re family is looking to be apart
Three things in human life are important: the first is to be kind, the second is to be kind, and the third is to be kind.
– Henry James
Remove Digital Negativity
Raising kids in a highly technologically driven world makes it a bit more challenging for parents nowadays. Kids will see negativity on the news, on the internet, movies and even witness advertisements at local shops.
Do your best to remove or talk about the digital negative from your kids’ life by restricting their access to negative publications, videos, and television shows.
Aspire to have a family that focused on positive influences in all areas of life; this includes what your kids consume via electronic devices. If you see that your child is acting out after watching a specific show or movie, remove it from their devices. Believe me, it’s worth the two minutes upset time from my child, rather than a lifetime of negative

Teach Your Child To Apologize
One of the biggest things about teaching kids to be kind is to be able to apologize when they have done something wrong or hurtful. This begins with parents showing their kids that we also make mistakes.
I tend to yell when I’m anxious or stressed. It’s something that I’ve always had to deal with, and my mother was the same way. Breaking this cycle is something I’ve been working on a lot, but it’s not an excuse.
Once I’ve realized what I’ve done, I admit to my mistake and apologize to my daughters. I don’t only apologize, but I make sure they know exactly why I’m sorry and what I’m apologizing for.
Girls I’m sorry I yelled. Mommy is having a hard day today and I have a lot on my plate. It doesn’t excuse why I yelled, but I wanted to say that I’m sorry for yelling at you when you didn’t clean your rooms.
Parents aren’t perfect, but we can be better by teaching our kids and being their example. Teaching kids to apologize by acknowledging what they did was wrong is them becoming mindful of their reactions and why they should apologize by learning empathy for others.

When it comes to raising kind kids, the fact of the matter is that kids will learn best through the example parents set forth. Anytime you find yourself being unkind to someone be sure to own up to your mistakes and explain how you can make a kinder choice next time around.
Kids raised in a household that puts kindness as a priority both through example and through effective communication when mishaps occur will often grow up to be compassionate, kind, giving kids who will have a lot to offer society.
Remember, you’re not in this alone!
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