Patience is one of those virtues that few can say it comes naturally. I believe it takes practice on How To Become A Patient Mom, especially if you don’t have the foundations from childhood.
How To Become A Patient Mom
As a mom, it can be nearly impossible to always be patient with our children. But that doesn’t mean that it isn’t possible. In fact, this list is both simple and easy to apply in your daily life.
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Get Enough Sleep
Do you know that the number one reason we feel frustrated with our kids is that we are also exhausted and juggling too much? One easy thing to do is simply get enough sleep. That means going to bed at a reasonable hour instead of staying up for a favorite movie, television show, or another level of a game.
If you have a younger baby that is keeping you up at night, try to lay down when they do for naps, or simply ask for help so you can get an extra hour or two of rest when needed.
Take Time For Yourself
Whether you call it “me” time or self-care, taking time for yourself is vital to your ability to be a good parent. It is impossible to be patient with your children when you feel like you are not given time to just be you. Make time in your schedule for some self-care.
This can be as easy as listening to a favorite podcast, meditating, yoga, reading your favorite book, or simply taking a bubble bath.
Don’t Overbook Your Schedule
Learn to say no. Not only will this help you to be happier and more well-rested, but it can also totally change how your children behave. Kids that are being moved back and forth constantly to parties, practices, events, and school can get overwhelmed easily. That creates some major behavior issues that you will deal with. You don’t need to be more patient when your children aren’t presenting a problem. Limit your schedule for everyone’s sake.
Sometimes this just might also mean taking a weekend off here and there to make up for a busy week.
Stop and Listen
Before reacting, stop and listen. Many of your trigger points may actually be your child reaching out for help. Sometimes, their disobedience is simply their way of telling us their needs. Stop and listen to them and find out what is going on before reacting.
Sometimes, when you feel like you are going to lose your patience, you just need to stop and laugh. Make a joke. Make funny faces. Watch cat videos. Do something that is sure to make you laugh and help you realize that whatever is bothering you doesn’t have to frustrate your day.
This will also teach your child not to take things so seriously and that you can be fun. Even in the middle of a disagreement.
Walk Away
Sometimes we just have to walk away from a situation and cool off. Train yourself to walk away instead of immediately reacting to behavior or actions. This can help you to see your reactions as they are. You may be lashing out more often than you realize.
Walking away gives you the break to figure out what approach you need to make next time to handle disobedience or annoyances.
Set Alarms
When you get upset or frustrated, set an alarm for yourself. When the alarm goes off, consider your frustration again. If you are no longer upset by it, you are realizing that sometimes you just need time. If you are still frustrated, then it may be something you have a good reason for being upset about. If not, then you may need to start pausing more often before you react to let yourself calm down.
Journal Regularly
A lot of daily frustrations can build up and really create a lack of patience in moms. One thing that helps tremendously is to take time each day alone to simply journal how you are feeling. You can cover individual things that are bothering you, or just make lists of what you want to accomplish and goals for the future. Sometimes just putting your frustrations and needs on paper can help tremendously.
This is something I recommend greatly for parents, not just moms. This is my favorite Daily Gratitude Journal that only takes me a few minutes to do.
Schedule Downtime
This goes together with not overbooking your schedule. Sometimes being a busy mom means you have little or no downtime. Take the time to schedule downtime for yourself and your children. That means you need a break to watch a favorite TV show, a movie with the kids, take a nap, or just read a book. Instead of packing your schedule to the brim, allow yourself time to just be a family.
Ask For Help
At the end of the day, the best way to become a patient mom is to ask for help when you need it. Whether this is a weekend break while you get away for some “me” time, or if it means hiring a part-time nanny so you focus better on your work at home businesses or getting chores completed, getting help can make a huge difference.
Use Essential Oils
One of the best natural ways to flare down tempers and become calmer is by using essential oils. There’s just something about diffusing or smelling essential oils like lavender, orange, and lemon that helps calm down emotions.
Listen To Inspiring Podcasts
Listening to other moms share their stories about patience and parenting is a great way to learn new tips. In fact, you don’t need to listen to just parenting or mom stories. Inspirational stories or meditation podcasts can sometimes help bring your thoughts into perspective.
Here are a few to get you started:
- Better Than Happy
- Meditation Minis
- Simple Families Podcast
- The Balance and Motherhood Podcast
- The Better Life Project
- The Purpose Show
- Thriving In Motherhood
- Trailercast
- Tune Into You Meditation
Exercise, Meditate, Yoga
They say exercise is the best thing you can do to become calmer and more patient not only with your loved ones but with yourself as well. With all the technology we have now in our hands we don’t even have to walk into a gym anymore. Simply look for apps or even Youtube videos with exercise classes, meditation, and even yoga.
When you feel that you are about to lose your patience go for a walk alone or bring the family with you. Sometimes all is needed is some fresh air and getting the body moving.
Becoming a more patient mom is something each of us has to work toward continually. Very rarely will a parent be naturally patient. Be kind with yourself as you work toward becoming a patient mom and know that you are not going at it alone.
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