Today is the day Disney’s The Jungle Book opens up in theaters everywhere! I hope you all have your tickets purchased and are ready to go on a wild adventure! No? Still wondering if it’s worth seeing? Well, why don’t you check out my 5 Reasons To Take Your Family To See Disney’s The Jungle Book this weekend and I can guarantee that you will love it as much as the Disney classic, if not more!
I was invited by Disney to attend the LA Red Carpet Premier and Press Junket for the #JungleBookEvent. Post sponsored by Disney, but all magical junglerrefic opinions are mine alone.
5 Reasons To Take Your Family To See Disney’s The Jungle Book #JungleBookEvent
If you’re a fan of Disney’s original animated version of The Jungle Book or just a fan of Kipling’s writing then you will be very much impressed with the newest live action movie. To me, this was taking something special and just adding a little bit of vibrancy for the moviegoers of now.
It’s definitely one of those stories that you read as a child or watched Disney’s animated version and the storyline really stayed with you. A boy who survives in the jungle on his own? Well, truth is that The Jungle Book is based off 3 books written by Kipling. Many say that he used animals as figures on telling a story in which would teach moral lessons to communities and people. Hence, why the Law Of The Jungle is so important!
A Tale As Old As Time
Director Jon Favreau has taken a story like The Jungle Book and brought it closer to our times. Giving this amazing story of a little boy Mowgli who is raised in the jungle by a pack of wolves a lifelike creation is an underestimation. He really knew how far he needed to go when it came to the realistic parts of the story. Making sure that oldies, but goodies parts of the older animation were kept in. When you think of The Jungle Book what is the first song that comes to mind?
YUP! Well, without giving much away, I’m sure you will be singing that same song at some point in the movie and I’m so glad too!
The Law of the Jungle
When it comes to movies, I always look for some type of moral lesson in them. I don’t know if it’s the educator in me or being a homeschooling family, but anything that will bring some type of lesson for my children I will support.
Disney always knows how to add those little lessons in there, but I’m glad that they kept to Kipling’s lesson on this one. Society now can be very ruthless, especially for young children who are still trying to find their way. I love how Disney incorporated The Law of the Jungle into the movie, using an unselfish way for a boy cub to defend his homeland even though he was different. While also showing that a mother’s love is unconditional, no matter where the child may come from. A mother is a mother no matter what!
I had to just add a little bit of The Law of the Jungle in here because it’s all my 6-year-old keeps repeating over and over again!
NOW this is the Law of the Jungle — as old and as true as the sky;
And the Wolf that shall keep it may prosper, but the Wolf that shall break it must die.As the creeper that girdles the tree-trunk the Law runneth forward and back —
For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack.
Amazing CGI Work
CGI is the short word for computer-generated imagery. When watching the movie I couldn’t tell what was real or not, but the truth is the entire movie was filmed in a Los Angeles studios! Seriously! Can you believe the entire movie was filmed in a studio?
The only live-action person in the entire film, other than the voices, was Mowgli the man-cub played by Neel Sethi. This little boy did such an amazing job making it look like he was actually jumping from tree to tree or actually running away from Shere Khan through the tall grass. The entire Disney animation team did such a great job in making everything seem real that when you watch the movie in 3D you really can’t tell the difference if you’re looking into the real jungle.
Comedy At Its Finest
When you hear the name Bill Murray, you know that there will be some laughs, but when you combine him along with Baloo the comedy is just epic! Baloo brings out the lighter side in the entire story for The Jungle Book. He tries to show Mowgli that things don’t need to be as serious as the wolf pack has taught him. Instead to look for the Bare Necessities!
Teaching kids to really live life in the moment. For me, it’s all about kids being kids!

Photo Credit:
A Great Teaching Tool For Conservation
Like I mentioned above I love when movies add a little bit of magic, or in this case, pixie dust to allow the viewers to learn a little bit of something they might not have known. In The Jungle Book director, Jon Favreau made sure to add an animal called a Pangolin into some of the scenes in the movie, Baloo even making a remark about his extinction.
The truth is, the Pangolin is one of the most unusual, illegally traded, and endangered mammal in the world today. This has given me the opportunity to not only share and teach about these animals to our daughters during homeschooling science lessons but with Earth Day coming up it’s such a great topic to share with not only your kiddos but even at schools.
If you would like to learn more about these amazing creatures who need our help, please visit If you know of any educators or homeschooling parents who would benefit from this please share away!
As parents, one of the best things we can do is prepare our children for the future and that also means taking care of the Earth and other animals that live in it.
Pangolins are one of the most unusual, illegally traded, and endangered mammals in the world today! You can help by going to #JungleBookEvent #Pangolins #Baloo
Still not convinced? Well, how about I let my 6-year-old daughter tell you her thoughts on the movie! This was a little impromptu video she wanted to do right after she saw the movie on Tuesday night! I guess she loves movies just as much as her mommy does! **Spoiler Alert**
My six-year-old daughter absolutely loved the movie and said that it’s her favorite so far! She’s also an animal lover, so I can see why this is so. My four year old will wait until it comes out on DVD to watch it at home with all of us.
Now, make sure you get your tickets to see Disney’s The Jungle Book in theaters on Friday, April 15th at the Dolby Cinema at AMC if possible!! I highly recommend watching it in 3D!!!
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THE JUNGLE BOOK opens in theatres everywhere in 3D, RealD 3D, and IMAX 3D on April 15th!
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Are you planning a Jungle Book Family movie night?
It is amazing what computers can do. That boy did a great job with acting.
Looks like it would be a great movie for kids and even their parents!
The Jungle Book teaches kids so many lessons, especially about acceptance and kindness. It’s a great movie as well for parents who would like to make their kids interested in the jungle! It’s really awesome and definitely a must watch!
I just watched that yesterday with my family! It has many lessons to learn. Thanks for sharing!
We saw the movie last friday and I must say I am pretty amazed with the computer graphics and special effects. A must see movie for the whole family.
So glad you all liked it!! Yes, I have to agree with the graphics were amazing!
We are going on Sunday to see it. Kids are excited and cant wait. They have been talking about going for weeks now.
I have read some really good reviews on it so far, I dont think I have seen anything really negative.
I hope you all love it as much as we did! Have a fantastic family day!
What an amazing opportunity! I love Disney and can’t wait to see this movie
Disney just does such an amazing job, especially with classic tales like this one from Kipling!
Wow sounds like a great family movie, I know my son is excited to see it!
He is going to love it!
I can’t believe that they filmed the whole thing in a studio in LA, that is a pretty incredible feat considering how realistic it looks!
It really is! That just makes the movie so much more interesting to see!
Cant wait to watch it! look at that pangolin, i think is really cute and funny looking hehe!
Yes, they really are! Hopefully we can get some of their information out and make more people aware of how they are being hurt.
I loved the movie! I highly recommend it! So beautiful!
Oh, I’m so glad you loved it! Wasn’t it really? Everything just looks so real!
What an awesome opportunity! My kids are so excited to see this.
It really was Becca! Oh, they will love it, I just know it!
I would feel so lucky if I get a chance to attend that event in Disney & I am sure it could be a wonderful experience to cherish with your kids. The Jungle Book has been making news lately & my kids are very much excited to watch it in the theaters.
Oh, they are going to love it! It really is a family movie that teaches some great lessons!
OMG cant wait! I nephew always call me before going to bed asking me when we are going to watch it haha so cute
He will love it! How cute!
We don’t even need the 5 reasons. It’s Disney and its something that is a must to watch.
I agree!!!
I love the new Jungle Book Movie, it was really awesome n loved the animation used.
Oh, I’m so glad you did! Director Jon Favreau did such an exceptional job on them!
What a fun movies for the family, My kids can’t wait to watch this.
This movie looks SO good! I can’t wait to go see it!
I can’t wait to see this movie. The animation and cinematography looks amazing.