When you become a mom you imagine everything will be wonderful, then reality hits and you realize it is a fulfilling, but tough job. These 15 Intentional Habits Of A Happy Mom, are perfect for reminding us that while it may not be perfect, it is still an amazing life you are living.
Intentional Habits Of A Happy Mom
Setting powerful intentions daily is a great way to teach yourself new positive habits. Parenting is not an easy task, but when we learn to be grateful for what we have our happiness becomes part of our daily living. These everyday habits will get you started on becoming a happier mom.
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Nothing is more important to creating a happy mom than self-care. This includes taking a break from kids to relax, read, go out with friends, take in a movie, and just care for yourself. It may mean you buy a new outfit once a quarter, or you smuggle the cookies to your bedroom for a quiet snack while the kid’s nap. But no matter what you decided to do, make sure it makes you happy and you are fulfilling this self-care for yourself.
Daily Gratitude
Practicing daily gratitude is important to see beyond the struggles. Focus on at least 3 things each day that has brought joy to your life. It can be a hug, a new television show, or lack of struggle to eat vegetables. Be thankful for the little things. Believe me, gratefulness is the beginning of being a happy person.
Routines and Schedules
Being a happy mom often includes a very structured routine and schedule that keeps your home running smoothly each day. From sleep schedules to menu plans, a routine takes away tons of stress. Keep a large calendar in your kitchen hidden away in a corner where you have easy access to. Add your weekly schedule for doctor appointments, holidays, birthdays, after-school activities, and weekend plans. This routine will help you keep organized and avoiding last-minute stress to pop out of nowhere.
One On One Time With Children
At least once a month, moms or parents, in general, should be taking time to spend a few hours one on one with each child. This connection is important for you and your kids. Nothing says I love you than spending a few quality hours doing what your child loves the most with each individual parent. It allows us, moms, to see into who our children are becoming, their hobbies, and what they love to do. Plus, your child will feel so special and loved.
For kids and moms, meditation can help bring down stress, emotional balance, and time to think to yourself. This is a great way to quiet down the mind and just be in the moment with yourself or with your kids. There are many meditation podcasts available for free that you can easily listen to alone or with the kids.
My ultimate favorite is Meditation Minis Podcast on iTunes because they range from 7 to 10 minutes of quiet time for myself.
Accepting Perfection Doesn’t Exist
A happy mom has to let go of the vision that everything in her home will always be perfect. Dirty happens, and it’s tough to have a “perfect” life when we ourselves are not created to be perfect. Instead accept the fact that perfection doesn’t exist, but trying your hardest does. If you are following your schedule created, then you will have a basis to follow throughout your day. Some days will be better than others. Some days you will get through all the laundry and cleaning, while other days you will have a pile of dishes in the sink.
The important part is to remember that the chores will get done. Maybe not in that precise moment, but they will eventually get done. In fact, this is a great time to ask your spouse and kids for help.
Stop Comparing Yourself
The comparison to other moms and families brings you down. Stop comparing yourself to others and focus on what and who you are. We always think that the grass is greener on the other side, but the truth is we don’t know what goes on in others personal life. So, stop thinking that you wish you were someone else or you wish you had what other moms have. You are exactly who you meant to be and exactly who your family needs.
Organization Is Freedom
Organizing your home to be easy to navigate is a must. This includes bins, shelves, schedules, calendars, menu plans, and any manner of household cleaning that needs to be done regularly. I like to also call this minimalism. Keeping your home your sanctuary will help with feeling happier. Not only you but all the members of your family. When your home is disorganized, feelings of overwhelmed and stress take hold of you. By keeping your home organized and with minimal items, you can guarantee less stress.
If you’re looking for some inspiration I highly suggest checking out The Purpose Show Podcast or her website alliecasazza.com.
Co-parenting Well
Find balance with your spouse and stick with it. Arguing over discipline and parenting styles can ruin your happiness. Plus, it can really hurt your kids. When parents co-parent together it’s easier to make decisions and easier for kids to take no as an answer. No more worrying about them going behind your back to ask the other parent for a “second” opinion.
Consistent Discipline
This is huge with children. Consistent discipline is valuable when kids need to be able to know they can’t sway you easily when they do something wrong. Kids know exactly how to push our buttons, it’s part of who they are. But did you know that kids strive and need consistency? So, make sure that when you say no television during dinner that you stick to that rule.
Yes, there are times that you want to allow your kids a bit of freedom as I call it, but when it comes to the serious stuff. Stay consistent and you will see how their behavior and yours shifts positively together.
Playing Games Regularly
Get down on the floor and play with your kids. Have fun and laugh. Be a kid again for and with them. Don’t let the petty stuff get in the way of you becoming a happier mom. The dishes and the laundry will be waiting for you when you are finished spending time with your family or even better, make chores a game with the kids and spouse. Things will get done faster and everyone will feel useful.
Asking For Help
A happy mom knows to ask for help when she needs it. This is important for you to not get overwhelmed, but also to make sure things are done as they need to be. Asking for help doesn’t have to mean calling your mother-in-law over to watch the kids. It can also mean asking your spouse and kids for help. Create a chore chart for every day of the week and what is expected of everyone in the house. Go back to the habit above and make chores a game!
Learning To Say No
Stop accepting every invitation and request. Learn to say no and use your time to focus on yourself and your family. This can be easier said than done, but take my word for it, saying no will be the best thing that you have said in a long time.
Take time to think back on the good times you’ve had with your family. Look at pictures from when your kids were younger, when you took fun vacations or even the times before kids. Thinking about happy times makes you happier in general.
Daily hugs make for a very happy mom. Take the time to simply stop to hug your children and spouse. Let them know how important they are to you and how grateful you are for them in your life. Gratefulness is the highest form of happiness!
These habits of a very happy mom are easy for anyone to manage, we just need to make them a priority in our lives daily. Even if you just take a few of them a week to complete, I bet you will be feeling a lot happier and less stress! No one said parenting was easy, but intentional living can create the best possible motherhood we can achieve!
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Which of these intentional habits do you practice every day?
I love this! So uplifting and I agree with every word!
Thank you so much!
Great read! I stay home with my son and I am constantly reminding myself, messes are ok! We can clean up later! And yes, naps are great for BOTH of us. Good insight.
Yes! As parents we forget that messes are okay and can be taken care of later on. This is something I’ve had to learn myself, but so much better for both myself and my girls when I do 🙂 Sometimes I would like to sneak in a nap or two, LOL!