From the moment we walked into the Paramount Pictures Lot for our visit at Disney’s XD newest family show Walk the Prank, we had to be quiet as a mouse. Yes, they were filming on set while we got a chance to visit the studio. One thing that I noticed while being on set is that it’s all about Humor and Teamwork with Walk the Prank!
I was invited by Disney to attend the LA Red Carpet Premier and Press Junket for the #JungleBookEvent. Post sponsored by Disney, but all magical junglerrefic opinions are mine alone.
Humor and Teamwork with Walk the Prank #JungleBookEvent
Like any job, there has to be a sense of teamwork or family for something to work as well as Walk the Prank has. Humor is definitely apart of the show, but you can tell that the cast itself has that humor among each other. I bet it’s just so much fun hanging out all day with a cast that is so close and funny all at the same time!
Tobie, even shared with us that pranks do happen once in a while on set!
While on set we had the opportunity to chat a bit with Tobie Wyndham, who stars as Will, Dusty’s uncle who owns a joke shop and helps guides the team of pranksters in Disney XD’s Walk the Prank. He is the only adult on the show and there is a reason for that.
He makes sure that the kids are safe during pranks from their “targets”, which is what they called the people being pranked. You never know how they will react, said Tobie, so I have to make sure that everyone is safe. He said that his way of knowing if the person being pranked is offended or not is by asking them for a high five. “This lets me know that everything is okay”.
I bet you’re wondering where do these pranks take place. Well, unfortunately, if I told you then they wouldn’t be a surprise, would they? They have tons of new material and more amazing pranks planned for the coming year Tobie shared with us. “Don’t share where we prank, we have lots more ideas and don’t want to give them away”. So I’m sticking with Tobie on this one and not sharing locations, because if I did, then that would take away from all the fun!

Photo Credit: Disney
Another cast member we got to meet was Cody Veith, who stars as Chance, the fearless prankster who lives life to the fullest. Although we didn’t get chance to interview Cody, we did get a chance to take a few pictures with him and Tobie! You can tell that they have this family-oriented teamwork that is so fun to see!
The rest of the cast:
Bryce Gheisar, who stars as Herman, Chance’s little brother. Although, not part of the team in the first episode I loved how they welcomed him with opened arms as one of the pranksters. Who can see how the cast really does take care of one another!
Brandon Severs, who stars as Dusty, Chance’s athletic best friend who lives for pulling off the perfect prank. Dusty is basically Chance’s right-hand man. He is his best friend and they do everything together.
Jillian Shea Spaeder, who stars as Bailey, the sassy and tech-savvy member of the group. I absolutely love the sassiness of Bailey! She reminds me so much of my oldest daughter. I think my daughter loves watching her on the show!
If you haven’t had a chance to watch the show, then make sure to watch it tonight or DVR it to watch with the family tomorrow! Walk the Prank is one of those shows that is not the only family friendly, but it will definitely give you and your child something to talk about together!
How can you not laugh at some of the pranks these kids make? They are absolutely hilarious and I love that although the people being pranked don’t know about it, it’s all in a controlled environment! Don’t you remember pulling pranks on your parents and siblings? Well, think of it this way! My only warning is, just be careful after watching the show, your kiddos might bring the set to life at home! In a fun way of course!
About Walk the Prank:
An innovative new format that blends scripted comedy with real hidden-camera pranks, “Walk the Prank” follows a team of practical jokesters who create hilarious over-the-top pranks for an online hidden camera show of the same name.
The series showcases the natural comedic talent and improvisational skills of new young stars including Cody Veith (“Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & Dawn”) as the cool, confident Chance, Bryce Gheisar (“A Dog’s Purpose”) as Chance’s younger brother Herman, Jillian Shea Spaeder (“Theatre and Me’s the Bully”) as the tech-savvy Bailey, Brandon Severs (“The Neighbors”) as Chance’s best friend Dusty, and Tobie Windham (“The Wesley’s”) as Will, Dusty’s uncle.
The scripted storylines center on the four kids’ antics in school and at home, which provide a source of inspiration for their pranks. The real and outlandish hidden-camera pranks, seen throughout each episode, capture genuine reactions from unsuspecting strangers.
“Walk the Prank” is created and executive produced by Adam Small (“Mad TV”) and Trevor Moore (“Whitest Kids U Know.”). The series is from Horizon Productions and carries a TV-Y7 parental guideline.
Check out this video below showing you a clip of one of the pranks! This was my absolutely favorite!!!!
Make sure to watch Walk the Prank on Disney XD tonight and every Wednesday night at 8:30/7:30 central! It will knock your socks off!
Also, don’t forget Disney’s The Jungle Book is playing in theaters!! I highly recommend watching it in 3D!!!
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Have you had a chance to watch Walk the Prank on Disney XD?
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