A list of Online Resources For Home Education to help you throughout these days of isolation.

Online Resources For Home Education
I wanted to put together a list of homeschooling and educational bloggers who have amazing resources online.
As a former teacher and homeschooling mom, I know that many of you may be frustrated and not know where to start when it comes to educating your children at home.
This is why I’ve created this list.
As our family has decided to self-quarantine and schools are canceling, I wanted to create a list that could ease some of the stress.
Remember, it’s not about perfection.
In fact, it’s about taking it day by day and do what you can.
Many of the sites below offer schedules, advice, and free printables that can help you create the best educational environment for your child right now.
Take advantage of these resources.
If you have any questions, would like to add any resources, or need more help please feel free to send me an email at victoria@simplytodaylife.com
I am here to help as much as I can, so I’ll be updating this list daily!
This post contains some affiliate links for your convenience (it means if you click on a link and make a purchase I will earn a small commission. It will not cost you a penny more).
Preschool and Elementary Education
This first list of educational resources is for parents who are looking for a preschool, elementary, and fun crafts for the kids.
Elementary And Preschool Online Educational Resources
A list of amazing online educational resources for parents.
STEM Activities for Preschoolers and Toddlers
Preschool Stem Activities
Parenting Chaos ⋆ Early Education, Peaceful Parenting, and Creative Play
Kids Crafts And DIY Edits Archives · The Inspiration Edit
Spanish resources and printables — Lorena & Lennox Bilingual Beginnings
Middle School Education
My second list is for all middle school grade parents. Make sure to go down this list if you are in high school as well.
Some of these resources may apply if your child is a freshman in high school.
Middle School Online Educational Resources
A list of Middle School online educational resources for parents.
Upper Elementary, Middle School, and High School
Upper Elementary, Middle School, and Some High School
Homeschooler for over 20 years. Resources for Elementary, Middle, and High School
Elementary and Middle School Resources
A MOTHER'S RANDOM THOUGHTS - on Homeschooling, Autism & Travel
Resources for all ages.
High School Education
For all of my high school students and parents.
I hope that this helps in finding resources to stay on course during those high school years.
High School Online Educational Resources
A list to help high school parents with online educational resources.
Homeschooling for over 20 years. Resources for Elementary, Middle, and High School.
Resources for all ages.

How To Create A Lesson Plan
Creating a lesson plan or knowing what to teach your child while homeschooling can be a bit stressful in the beginning.
Explore the websites above and create a daily schedule for each of your children.
Ask your children what they would love to learn about or add to the curriculum.
Use an online calendar like Trello or Google to create lessons for your kids.
I love Trello for scheduling my work and writing. So, it was the perfect choice for me when I started lesson planning this week for my girls.
Schools are closed in Florida until April, so I want to make sure that I am prepared.
Trello keeps me organized, allows me to color coordinate lessons, and I can easily move lessons around if necessary.
Plus, I am able to add links, files, and photos to each lesson.
Perfect for uploading printables or saving links that my daughters need to visit for lessons.

Make Homeschooling Fun
I’ll admit that there are times that I miss homeschooling.
Mainly because we created our own schedule and added lots of fun activities with our lessons.
Make home education fun by adding science experiments, crafts, games, and even though we are pretty much at home exploring your home is still an option.
Take your kids on an exploration walk or watch a video together.
It’s all about making this time fun and educational for your kids.
Get creative and if you’re not the creative type, take advantage of these amazing homeschoolers who have shared all of their creativity!

I truly hope these online resources help your online education go smoothly and successfully.
Our world has been turned upside down during these past few weeks but things will get better.
Now is the time to keep our families safe, spend extra special moments together, and enjoy educating your child.
Make it fun and don’t stress the little things.
Educational Resources From My Blog
What grade or grades will you be homeschooling until schools are re-opened?
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