I have to give credit where credit is due, and it’s all about my morning routine. My morning routine has made me a better mom and cleared a lot of the haziness I had in motherhood.

My Morning Routine Makes Me A Better Mom
Moms, we don’t give ourselves enough credit for running a home, raising our children, bringing in income, and everything else in between.
I see it everywhere I go, whether in person or all over social media. The overwhelm of motherhood is real and it can affect us in more ways than we could imagine.
I can’t begin to tell you all how important my morning routine has been to me and in my motherhood. My morning routine has changed my life so much that it’s become a daily habit that I do every single day without fail.
I’ve set up boundaries with family and created space for myself because I know that is what I need to live a fulfilling life as a mom and wife. It’s how I set my intentions for the day and create success along the way.
The idea behind me sharing my morning habits is to inspire you to do the same. I’m talking to you from a place of love and understanding.
As a mom who’s been running on empty for a long time and is finally seeing my truth. I encourage you to do the same.
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Why Moms Need A Morning Routine
So, why do I believe that moms need a morning routine or create intentional habits? Well, because it’s one of the puzzle pieces that is going to help you become fully and wholeheartedly the women, mom, wife, and person you were meant to be in life.
Among all the chaos, busy schedules, and to-do lists us moms get lost within ourselves. Not setting intentions or thinking about what we want to create in the day.
Eventually, you become so in tune with your habits that they begin to trickle down into your everyday life. Which is where we begin creating self-care routines that we do daily, not just weekly or monthly.
It’s where we begin to notice when we are being intentional or not. Also, allowing us to add things into our schedule that we enjoy and getting rid of the clutter that no longer serves us. And by clutter, I mean all physical, mental, and emotional clutter.
Moms need to put themselves first and think about their well being. Taking care of yourself is not selfish and if you feel guilty then it’s time we change that mindset.
How are we expected to love and take care of our families if we can’t even love or take care of ourselves? Think about that for just a second!
Because I do want to encourage you to create this space for yourself I’m going to share how my morning routine looks like.
Getting Up Before The Kids
I’m going, being honest, and tell you that I’m not a morning person. I really don’t think any mom is a morning person. Can you blame us? After long nights without much sleep in the early baby years, we deserve to sleep.
But getting up before everyone else in the house is my golden hour. Do you know how photographers have the “golden hour”? The time before the sun goes down and the sky is lit up perfectly. That’s what waking up before my family feels like to me.
You see when I was waking up at the same time as my kids and my husband I had to interact with them. I know, not nice to say, but it’s the truth. My body wanted to get up with ease and not have a million questions thrown at me at once at 7 o’clock in the morning.
My desire was to get up quietly, ease into my day, and enjoy my hot cup of coffee alone. Is that too much to ask? Well, when you’re a mom you tell yourself that it’s hard, but in reality, it’s not. You just have to get it out of your head that it’s not possible and just do it.
This is why I had to take control of my thoughts and create the time that I needed to become the best mom and wife I knew I could be. Because all I was to my family was a grumpy old troll and they didn’t deserve that.
Getting up before my entire family gives me the stillness and quiet time I need to get my head focused and ready to take on the day.

Water And Coffee Or Tea
If you’re like me you can’t take more than just a few steps without pouring yourself a nice hot cup of caffeine, which is why I’m adding coffee and tea to this list.
Yes, having a cup of hot coffee is a habit that I will not cut out from my morning routine. Honestly, it has little to do with the caffeine and more about the taste and warmth first thing in the morning.
There’s just something about sitting quietly on my own with a wonderful book and a cup of coffee that just lets me know that it’s going to be an amazing day.
So, take your pick coffee or tea and find yourself a quiet spot to sit on your own. Don’t forget your water to stay hydrated. You’ll need it after to get your body to replenish itself.
Read And Get Inspired
After getting my hot cup of joe and a glass of water, I head to my office to read an inspirational book. Because my mind is clear and focusing as soon as I get up, I like to learn and get inspired by books that will help me to reach a particular goal.
Find something that is going to captivate you but also inspire you to do better, whether it be with your business, life, marriage, mindset, health, or motherhood. Find a book to read every morning that will inspire you so much that you can’t wait to take on the day.
If you’re not a reader, then listen to a podcast or Audible book. It serves the same purpose, to inspire and motivate you to do the work that needs to be done in becoming purposeful in life.
Here are a few of my favorite books to get you started:
- You Are A Badass by Jen Sincero
- A Simplified Life by Emily Ley
- The Joy Of Missing Out by Tonya Dalton
- Daring Greatly by Brene Brown
- The Gift Of Imperfections by Brene Brown
- When Less Become More by Emily Ley

Quiet The Mind
Some of you might be thinking why I didn’t do quiet time with coffee in hand. The reason for that is because my quiet time is all about turning down the volume in my brain as much as I can to allow stillness.
Quiet time for me is filled with meditation and journaling, but for others, it could be prayer or sitting in silence.
I like to do this in two parts; first, I want to brain dump everything that is going through my mind and my heart. This includes anything that I’m feeling, holding on to, or thoughts that are coming up.
My goal is to get it all out on paper this way I’m not holding on to it. This works well especially if you wake up with a heavy heart, negativity, or anxiety.
I then sit in meditation for a bit puzzling the pieces to my thoughts together. Hoping that the anwsers would come to me in what I need to do or not do. Meditating creates space within me to quiet down the noise and listen to myself.
Meditating creates a stillness in me that nothing else can. It’s about allowing the universe to show me my path and guiding me to where I’m allowed to live an amazing life, to be the best mom I can be, and the best wife to my husband.
All while loving and respecting myself first.
Why A Morning Routine Makes Me A Better Mom?
For me it was the beginning of seeing how important self-care was for my soul. It allowed me to be more rested, mindful, present, and giving myself the love I needed.
There’s so much that goes on in our daily life that being mindful of the clutter in life can allow us to pursue the things that fill us with joy. Rather than allowing our schedule and busyness to consume us.
What does your morning routine look like?
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