I have a list of Mindful Habits Moms Can Do Daily which will only take 5 minutes or less to do. These habits can get you started on creating the simplified life you have been dreaming of.

Mindful Habits Moms Can Do Daily In 5 Minutes Or Less
When you think of motherhood and mindfulness you might be thinking that I’m crazy!
When will I have time to be mindful if I’m running around taking care of my family? You’re probably even thinking I’m absurd for even bringing this up. Time? What time?
I believe that this is precisely the reason moms need to make sure that we are creating mindful habits for ourselves.
Believe me I know, because I’m that mom. The ones who gets stressed out easily, the mom who over schedules our calendar, and the one who things everything has to be “perfect”.
Mindful habits have the potential to help us moms slow down, be more intentional, and present in our family’s lives. It might even surprise you to know that we actually have more time than we say we do. Because whenever we want something truly done. We find a way. Don’t we?
I mean, it can pretty much change your life and your perspective. Just like that! What if I told you that since I began being more mindful of what I ate and how I talked to myself I, began sleeping better?
What if I told you that it helps you think more clearly and make decisions faster?
What if I told you that by creating these positive daily mindful habits you end up finding extra time in your day?
What if I told you these mindful habits moms can do daily only take about 5 minutes or less to do?

Benefits Of Mindfulness
I’ve been obsessed more than ever with mindfulness and how my mindset routes the way my day will go. Specifically, because I’ve seen a huge change in the way I handle my emotions and my thoughts.
I’ve had to learn to create positive daily habits that are not only helping me become a better mom and wife, but it’s taught me to be patient and to take care of myself above all else. Being patient and giving myself grace are two of the things I struggle the most. I bet a lot of you feel the same.
So let’s define mindfulness.
Mindfulness: a mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique.
What word jumped out while you read the definition of mindfulness? For me it was calm. That’s what I want to be, a calmer mom.
Mindfulness has become a daily practice for me because I do want to achieve that calmness, and I encourage all moms to do the same. Creating a mindful routine that can help you quickly become aware of your feelings and thoughts will only allow you to create the day you deserve to have.
In my life, I can see a huge difference when I’m practicing daily mindfulness and so ca,n my family. Instead of getting yelling mom when, she sees cereal crumbs on the table after breakfast, my girls will get a calm mom asking to please clean the crumbs from the table.
I’m not saying that it’s something that happens overnight and I’m not saying that I’m calm mom all day, but it’s better than constant chaos of emotions. It takes practice, patience, and a lot of self-love to create this mindfulness into a daily habit.
That’s why I wanted to share 6 of the easiest ways you can be mindful daily in just five minutes or less. Remember, you might have to do several of these practices a day, but eventually, they become a good habit.

Get Your Journal Out
Journaling is a fantastic way to start and end your day. Journaling in the morning is the perfect way to write down goals you have set for the day and things you would like to accomplish. It’s also a great way to write down how your feeling as soon as you wake up. If you woke up in a bad mood, what could you do to turn it around right now?
Writing in your journal before bed can create the same effect, instead, you’re looking at the way your day went and what you could have done better or how you can make tomorrow better if you lost your temper. How will you be more mindful the next day? This may mean doing 5 minutes of journaling and 5 minutes of quiet meditation.
Writing begins to teach you how to be present and in tune with your emotions, body, and feelings. Which if you are anything like me, busy mom taking care of everybody around you, sometimes feelings and emotions get shoved aside or to the bottom of your to-do list.
Journaling will teach you to do a quick scan of how you are doing and it should only take you a few minutes to do. It’s not about writing a story, but if that’s what you want to do, then do it. But, the main reason is to get all of your thoughts down on paper and out of your head.
It’s not about being the perfect writer.
I’ve been practicing meditation for the past few years and let me tell you how much I still struggle with quieting my mind. Which is why they say meditation is a practice. Not something you do once in a blue moon. You have to be consistent if you want to see and feel the change.
Don’t get me wrong. Meditating is actually my favorite mindful habit to do every morning. It just doesn’t come naturally to
Creating a daily meditation routine can help you quiet down the one million tabs open in your brain. Yes, I know the feeling mama! When you have a never-ending to-do list and you don’t even know where to start.
Learning how to create this quiet space in your head is very useful when all of those tabs are opened. In fact, while meditating you can only concentrate on one thing at a time and that thing should be your breathing.
You can even meditate or pray right before you get out of bed. Once you wake up take 5 minutes clear your mind (this should be easier first thing as you wake up before all the thoughts enter your head) and meditate right there as you lay on your pillow.

Have you ever been so grateful for someone, something, or specific moment that your heart wanted to burst out of your chest? That’s the feeling you want to hold on to as much as possible!
Not only does the feeling of gratefulness immediately tell your brain, oh that’s wonderful, but it also increases the feel-good neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin. Helping you deflect those negative thoughts that were starting to swirl in your head.
Set your alarm daily for 5 minutes of gratitude and see your mood shift in a positive way. You can do this once a day or several times a day. I don’t know about you, but my Alexa has like 20 alarms set up throughout the day.
Saying 3 things you are grateful for first thing in the morning before even leaving the bed is a great habit to start having. There’s just something about starting your day thankful that keeps you on a positive vibration.
Deep Breathing
Deep breathing and I are best friends! By now my family knows that if I stop mid-sentence to breathe, it’s best if they just walk away.
No, but in all seriousness. Deep breathing has been a wonderful habit for me when I feel my temper flare-up or my anxiety get high. By taking a deep breath it brings oxygen to my brain and stimulates my nervous system. Giving me a sense of calm and awareness, I didn’t have just seconds ago.
A great way to create this habit is by being conscious of our feelings and listening to our bodies. That’s why lots of health and fitness watches have a breathing counter. If you have an Apple Watch, use it to create daily deep breathing intentional moments.

Eat Intuitively
Eating intuitively or watching the way food makes you feel is something I read about when I was learning about food allergies when my oldest daughter was born.
Although I learned about it, I never really followed any of the advice or suggestions I had read. We just concentrated on the foods our daughter was allergic too. Until recently that is.
You see, last year in 2019 I was diagnosed with depression, anxiety, PTSD, and ADHD all at the same time. You might be saying, YIKES! Yup, I did too! No wonder I couldn’t function! Well, since then I’ve learned a lot and have made a lot of changes to help my health.
Being self-aware of how I feel when I eat, certain things have been a game-changer for me. Eating intuitively has taught me that I cannot eat sugar and that I am highly sensitive to gluten. Don’t worry, all of this is happening alongside my Dr’s.
Even though they had suggested for me to do this, I had not followed through, but let me tell you, once I did my moods started to shift, and I began feeling more clear-headed.
I’m not talking about following a specific diet either. I’ve been known to go on and off on keto (a low-carb diet), but this time I just cut off the things that weren’t serving my body or my mind.
Writing in a journal, how you feel the next day, and what you ate is a great way to keep track of the food you are eating. I usually do this when I wake up in a funky mood. I think back to what I ate the day before that could have created this shift.
The great way to track meals is to create a meal plan for the week. This way you know ahead of time what you will be cooking and need to get at the grocery store. Plus, it’ll make cooking something for the entire family a lot simpler!
Say Positive Affirmations To Yourself
One habit that I know humans do every single day is telling themselves affirmations. Now, there’s a difference between a negative and a positive affirmation.
A negative affirmation is when we get upset or drop something and call yourself “stupid” or “dumb”. That’s an affirmation. Just not a nice one, if you ask me.
I was the queen of negative affirmations and didn’t even know I was doing it. Once I became aware of this negative habit I had formed, I started shifting my mindset in a positive way. I immediately let the feeling come, I ackonologe it, and then I tell myself to let it go.
Come up with 1 or 2 positive affirmations you are going to say every day this week. You don’t even have to write them down, but I will encourage you to do so during your journal time.
Say these 1 or 2 affirmations every day for a week. Then the week after that come up with 2 new affirmations to say. I promise you will start noticing a shift in your mindset.
This list of mindful habits that moms can do daily can be the beginning of the present and intentional motherhood you have been searching for.
Start with one habit a day and then add another once you have one in your schedule daily. I mean, if you were to do this entire list every day, we are talking about 30 minutes out of your day. If you need some help sign up for my free 5 Minutes Mindfulness Guide For Moms, where I walk you through every single of these habits and show you ways to do them.
No matter which mindful habit you decide to start with on your journey. Take it one step at a time and remember, this is a practice that we must do daily and it’s not going to be perfect. There’s no finish line in sight. Just happiness, lightness, and self-love.
All of the schedules, routines, and calendar activities won’t be of benefit to you if you can’t create the mindset you need to succeed.
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Will you be joining me on adding 5 minutes of mindfulness a day?
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