I am an ambassador for Blogger Bash 2016.
A few weeks ago I flew to New York City to attend one of the hottest blogging conferences of the year! If you are looking to connect with brands and fellow blogging friends, then this is the conferences to attend! Today I wanted to share with you all how we were Rocking The Boat in NYC with Blogger Bash {Day 1} this year!
Rocking The Boat In NYC With Blogger Bash {Day 1}
Many times as bloggers we try to plan our yearly conferences, making sure that we attend the hottest ones and the ones that will give us the most for our money. Realistically we can’t attend every single one of them, no matter how much we all would love to do exactly that, so making sure that we pick and choose wisely is a must.
This year I was fortunate enough to be one of the Blogger Bash ambassadors, where I got to mingle with old friends, new friends, and meet TONS of amazing brands! Did I mention we were on a boat the entire time?
Day 1 started off with an amazing styling session with the one and only Jude Connally. Jude and her team were so wonderful in making sure that we were dressed beautifully and felt comfortable while wearing their newest line. We all looked absolutely amazing and got so many compliments on our outfits. Make sure to check out the Jude Connolly website for the best fabric and comfy clothes!
The Jude Connally clothing line is inspired by real woman and are made in the USA. I absolutely love that fact that I can wash my Jude Connally dress and just hang dry! It looks absolutely brand new and no need to take it to the cleaners!
After getting all beautified I headed over to some speed pitching with some amazing homelife and family brands. I got to meet one on one with brands like Oreck, Texas Instrument, Soulkix, Insane Inflatable 5K, Duck Brand, Office Depot/Office Max, California Ripe Olives, Filter Easy, Triple Flip, Bentology, Playstation, and Red Baron.
Imagine being able to talk one on one with a brand you have been wanting to work with and there is no one else interrupting? That’s exactly what it was. We were able to talk about how as brands and social media influencers we could work together to bring these brands in front of our readers.

Photo Credit: Blogger Bash
As our speed pitching came to an end, I headed over to catch the final portion of the Care Bears Share your care brunch. As always I love being apart of the share your care campaign, plus being able to hear inspirational stories. The Care Bears brand is something that has been apart of my childhood and I love being able to share that with my girls. Of course we got to all take a picture with FunShine Bear!
Next up on the itinerary was an amazing session from Blogging Concentrated! Talking about important and valuable information that all bloggers can use! Although, I wasn’t able to stay for the entire time (which is what I love about Blogger Bash, I don’t have to stay in one place and can change my mind throughout the events), because I already had plans to check out another event.
Everyone who stayed for the entire Blogging Concentrated session told me they got some great valuable information.

Photo Credit: Blogger Bash

Photo Credit: Blogger Bash
Afterwards I headed to check out The Ride! An amazing way to check out the city of New York. Think about The Ride like the Big Red Bus, except you are in air conditioning, it’s entertaining, you get some extra fun surprises along the way, and your hosts make the experience tens times better with dancing, singing, and jokes.
Definitely the best way to check out the city!
Our final event of the night for day 1 was the famous Sweet Suite! We always look forward to this magnificent event, where we are able to check out some of the hottest toys, some which haven’t even been released yet! Brands were ready to talk to us and show us some of their newest toys coming out just in time for the holidays.
We had 3 full floors filled with games, brands, food, and even character greetings such as Mim-Mim, Peppa Pig, and so many more!
It seriously was the perfect ending to day 1 of Blogger Bash 2016! Make sure to stay tuned for Day 2 of Blogger Bash!
Did you attend Blogger Bash in NYC this year?
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