We had the pleasure of sitting down for an Interview with Co-Writer Pamela Ribon. Who not only co-wrote Ralph Breaks The Internet but also voiced Snow White in the film. Thank you to Disney for flying me out to LA and allowing me to attend the Ralph Breaks The Internet Event. Post contains affiliate links.

Photo Credit: Ruth from VivaVeltoro.com
Interview with Ralph Breaks The Internet Co-Writer Pamela Ribon
We were so excited not only to learn about how the amazing Princess scene in Ralph Breaks The Internet came about and what inspired her to be apart of the film as well. Anytime we get to sit down with a co-writer of a film it’s amazing because we get to learn all the background work that goes into creating these amazing films.
Getting To Know Pamela Ribon
Pamela Ribon started with Disney in 2013 as a writer on the Disney film Moana. During that time she got to work with Rich Moore the story director of Moana, in which they became very good friends and worked on other films together.
She is also in the Oxford English Dictionary under “Muffin Top”. Yes, this is true! She was one of the first people to use it in a novel.
She started as a blogger and social media.
Creating The Princesses For Ralph Breaks The Internet
When coming up with the idea, she wanted to make sure that Vanellope was showcasing both of her titles as a princess and as a president. We can relate to her character and her comfy clothes.
What if Vanellope met all the princesses? – Pamela Ribon
When she wrote the first draft she shows Vanellope glitching into a room filled with the Disney princesses.
Creating Something That Could Flop Or Become A Big Deal
Pamela Ribon shared with us how she was scared when she was pitching the idea of including the princesses in Ralph Breaks The Internet. She said she was so nervous that the idea would be completely shut down from the beginning. So, she began with sharing the idea with a friend to see what she would think.
Tell Nobody
After presenting the idea to Rich Moore, he wanted to send it immediately for boarding. Which basically means that it would get drawn up and voices added to the ideas. At that point, they decided to tell nobody about what they were up to and to just show the final product in the first screening of Ralph Breaks The Internet.
Bringing In Oh My Disney
Oh My Disney is a Disney fan website that Pamela Ribon found that she thought it would be the perfect place for a setting for the film. This is when they brought the idea into D23 this past year and the princess scene was shown for the first time. Especially after creating all of the princesses in 3D animation, to make sure that they were going to be meeting at “Oh My Disney”.
Bringing In The Original Disney Princesses
I think the coolest thing about watching the princess scene in Ralph Breaks the Internet is knowing that they are all voiced by the original actress from each film. For the exception of Snow White who is no longer with us, but is now voiced by Pamela Ribon herself. So that was kind of special to know.
Pamela Ribon shared that is was interesting to hear the thoughts of these princesses and how they would add or change anything in their scripts. Even to the smallest details of one of the princesses sharing that she would never use a contraction in a sentence. Which then Pamela went in and edited all the contraction out of her dialogue. I think this is so unique because it’s what makes the character who they truly are.
About Ralph Breaks The Internet
In “Ralph Breaks the Internet,” video-game bad guy Ralph (voice of John C. Reilly) and best friend Vanellope von Schweetz (voice of Sarah Silverman) leave the comforts of Litwak’s arcade in an attempt to save her game, Sugar Rush. Their quest takes them to the vast, uncharted world of the internet where they rely on the citizens of the internet—the Netizens—to help navigate their way. Lending a virtual hand are Yesss (voice of Taraji P. Henson), the head algorithm and the heart and soul of the trend-making site “BuzzzTube,” and Shank (voice of Gal Gadot), a tough-as-nails driver from a gritty online auto-racing game called Slaughter Race, a place Vanellope wholeheartedly embraces—so much so that Ralph worries he may lose the only friend he’s ever had.
Go See Ralph Breaks The Internet On November 21st
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