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These places to find homeschool curriculum cheap or free will help stretch your budget farther this school year. Most homeschool families work hard to stay within a limited budget while giving their children an excellent education. These tips and places are perfect for helping you have great educational resources at a fraction of the cost. After a bit of researching and speaking with other homeschooling parents here are 7 Places to Find Homeschool Curriculum Cheap or Free this year.
7 Places To Find Homeschool Curriculum Cheap Or Free
Amazon: Shopping online is often a great alternative. Used textbooks can be easy to locate for lower prices on Amazon. You may also find great deals on basic school supplies and classroom manipulative items. Used and new products can both be purchased on Amazon.
Library: The local public library is a great resource for your homeschool classroom. Not only will you have added resource books for kids to read and use in the classroom, you may find text books, biographies and research tools for many projects available for free to check out and use in your home classroom. Check out the kids section for basic items, but don’t forget to look in the resource area for textbooks and even research papers that have been published in book form.
Used book stores. Used book stores often have great supplemental kids books to add to your collection. On occasion you’ll come across high school and college text books that can be added to your homeschool classroom library.
School book sales. Many schools host book sales at the end of a school year. These textbooks and school library books can be purchased at only a few dollars each and give you a huge boost in quality homeschool curriculum in your home.
Dollar Tree. For younger crowds, this is a great place for worksheets, classroom décor, basic school supplies and starter chapter books. For just a few dollars you can create an entire preschool or Kindergarten curriculum from these supplies.
Other homeschool parents. There is nothing better than swapping curriculum with other parents in your community. If you have kids close in age but different grades, you can easily swap back and forth as one child completes a year of school using a specific curriculum. Check with your local homeschool group or co-op program to see if they host a book swap at any point during the year.
Homeschool curriculum events. Homeschool conferences and curriculum sales are a great place to pick up books for discounted prices. They often have older issues available at these events for half price or even less. Search for local to you events and show up with a list of curriculum needs. Look and ask questions then see who has great deals available that suit your needs.
These great places to find homeschool curriculum cheap or free are easy to find in any community. Along with these great places, you may also look at traditional book store sales, yard sales or even resale shops for various books and additions to your homeschool curriculum. The best location to find cheap or free resources however is online from various websites that produce printable and unit study ideas you can use for no cost at all. Some of my favorites are 3 Dinosaurs, Enchanted Homeschooling Mom, Confessions of a Homeschooler, and 1+1+1=1!
For more tips check out my Homeschool Tips and Tricks Pinterest Board and my Free Educational Printables Board as well!
Follow ABC Creative Learning’s board Homeschooling Tips & Tricks on Pinterest.
For school supplies make sure to check out Classroom Direct for great prices and a huge selection of products perfect for homeschooling.
Share with us your tip on where to find cheap or free homeschool curriculums?
Thanks for including 3 Dinosaurs!