One of the things that I love going on movie press events is being able to talk to some of the actors who make the movie possible. Like this Interview With Laura Dern About Star Wars: The Last Jedi and her role as Vice Admiral Amilyn Holdo. It gives us a look into how the role came about and some of the emotions of being part of such a huge legacy, that is the Star Wars family.
A thank you to Disney for inviting me to attend the Star Wars: The Last Jedi Press Event. All darkside opinions are my own.

Photo Credit: Louise
Interview With Laura Dern About Star Wars: The Last Jedi #TheLastJediEvent
No matter how many interviews I am apart of when it comes to press events, there’s always the one when you get to interview someone you have grown up watching. Laura Dern is one of those actors. She has played many different characters throughout her career. Some were funny and others a more dramatic role, but no matter what she is truly a force to be reckoned with when it comes to the big screen.
Right away we needed to know more about Laura Dern’s character Vice Admiral Amilyn Holdo and of course her purple hair. Although, there wasn’t much she could share about her character in Star Wars: The Last Jedi, we did get a glimpse of the excitement she has for playing such a strong female role, while still keeping her femininity. Laura Dern shared, “I feel excited to join this amazing legacy of strong females in space starting with our magnificent icon of Princess Leia”.

Photo Credit: Louise from
Could you imagine growing up as a Star Wars fan and then actually being apart of such an adventure? That’s exactly what happened to Laura Dern, when Director Rian Johnson asked her to lunch and to be apart of the biggest movie of the year.
“He described this complicated female character in such a beautiful way also spoke to something that rebel filmmakers have asked of their collaborators, in my case as an actor of me. And then to realize, My God, that’s what George Lucas invented. It’s not a franchise, it’s a legacy of the deepest story telling we have. There isn’t a child or an adult that doesn’t connect to that question, and that it isn’t good guy vs. bad guy. All of it is contained and being wrestled within many characters, within one’s self. Particularly this film, you feel it really in every storyline and every character in a really profound and beautiful way”.
As many Star Wars fans do, Laura Dern remembers standing in line as a little girl to see what would become one, if not, the biggest film of all times. Not only did she have the love of film as such a young age, but she is lucky enough to be raised by two actors. Giving her a more of a glimpse of the movie making magic.
“There’s no film that doesn’t hold the potential of being the greatest thing ever, whether it’s Animation, Independent Film, or something on this scale.”
For me as a mother of two little girls, these are the type of charaters that I really hope they take away from. Nevermind the good and evil, there’s some of both in all of us, but mainly how strong these female characters are being portrayed on the big screen.
I want them to see that it’s not about being perfect, or the frills, or even what other think of you. It’s about standing your ground and believing in who you are as a person. Whether as a young girl they see themselves in Rey the heroine, Phasma the kick-booty soldier, or Vice Admiral Amilyn Holdo the boss. As a mom I want them to be able to experience the feel of just being them.
“I know what Leia was for me as I know she was for all of you. And it was not just her strength in some super heroic way, but in the deeply human way that Carrie so incredibly embodied was this fearless, irreverent, sassy, bold, vulnerable female. And all things to be true and powerful and kick butt and all of those things were in one character. We know how rarely we see that”.
We can’t wait to see what Laura Dern brings to the Star Wars legacy and how many young girls will be begging their moms for purple hair!
Star Wars: The Last Jedi in theaters December 15th
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